How Do You Know Who Owns a House

PRO Alert: If you're a real estate professional wanting to abound your business and you need to observe owners of properties at scale, and then you're in the right place. Merely if you ONLY want to run a quick search to observe a property owner for ane or ii backdrop, then you lot're better off using Spokeo or PeopleFinder .

So you're a real estate professional! Awesome. Let's get started, shall we?

Maybe you're a existent estate investor and you desire to find the owner of a vacant business firm (hopefully an absentee owner)? Or you're a Realtor® and you want to get ahold of the owner of an off-market house your client loves. Or possibly, you're a roofer, a solar panel installer, or another domicile services professional person who sees an opportunity to offering your services to the owner of a home.

Whatever your reason for a property owner search, you're likely in need of consistent, high-quality leads to marketplace your services to. Finding the owner of a property is merely one piece to the marketing puzzle.

As a professional, you lot know firsthand it's a waste of time and coin to coating a neighborhood with marketing materials, treating every household as a potential pb. Yous've got your favorite channels on HOW to reach your best leads that typically convert. The issue is more about WHO to target with your marketing to ensure you're communicating with the right prospects. Hopefully, at the correct time and in numerous channels.

The Internet has get a treasure trove of lead data. Information technology simply takes some elbow grease on Google and researching on suspicious skip tracing sites that may or may not have malware, correct?

Yep, yous're laughing because the pros know amend.

In this post, nosotros'll start with a few ways you can conduct a property owner lookup to find the owner of a holding at no cost. If you but demand contact info for ane or two backdrop, these complimentary methods are best suited for you.

Subsequently these free services, nosotros'll cover PAID services you can use to obtain mailing lists that have a property's owner name, phone number, and potentially other information to improve decide if the properties you're targeting are worth pursuing - PRO's, these paid services are for y'all!

Find LLC Owners

If, however, yous're a professional person who relies on building various segmented mailing lists of property owners and their disquisitional contact information including emails and social media profiles, nosotros'll show y'all how PropertyRadar makes it piece of cake to detect property owners, more than contact info, and all the important property information yous need to make smart, data-driven decisions to grow your business.

We'll even share one extra layer of data nearly of your competitors aren't using, giving you lot the ability to create hyperlocal mailing lists tailored to your all-time prospects so yous can reach them more than frequently instead of blowing your unabridged marketing budget on a generic farm listing.

Yous know the proverb: "When yous market place to everyone, you lot market to no 1."

Detect Belongings Owners Using Public Records

We'll skip the part about telling y'all to dumpster swoop for public records on the interwebs. We want to brand sure yous spend time reaching potential customers, not with IT support trying to get your computer unhacked.

All methods discussed here for finding property owners rely on public records searches. Public records are merely that (records) of marriages, births, divorces, deaths, and property purchases. County Recorders are entrusted with upholding and protecting this essential public service. Great public records ensure transparency and accessibility. These nonconfidential pieces of data tin too be a goldmine for businesses that know how to admission and utilize them wisely.

While all of the methods utilise public records searches, they don't all have the same ease-of-use. Authorities sites can exist challenging to navigate and they don't provide like shooting fish in a barrel exporting for contact information. They too might not be able to provide mailing addresses for absentee owners.

Let's take a look at the five methods for searching public records to find property owners and other public records information:

1. County Tax Assessor Office

If someone owns a belongings, you tin be sure they're paying taxes on it and that the county tax assessor will have their information on record. To easily find the website, type into Google 'county assessor' plus the county you're interested in. You tin even add 'holding owner' to your search and you might get lucky enough to find the exact page you need without navigating a complicated government website.  Otherwise, you might have to do a little searching (or a lot) to get to the right folio to discover property owners.

Finding a holding is a lot easier if you accept the holding's identification number. Depending on your country and county, they will reference this number in different ways. Information technology may be called the Accessor's Identification Number (Ain), Accessor'southward Belongings Number (APN), Section-Township-Range-Expanse-Cake-Lot (STRABL), or Section, Township, Range, Surface area and Parcel Number (STRAP). With 3,144 counties in the US, expect lots of variation. Only know this is the number that volition announced on a property tax neb.

  • Pros: This information is free.
  • Cons: If you're operating in numerous counties, this tin can be a tedious process and there is zero consistency between county websites and the technology they use. You are limited to basic property details, owner name, and mailing address listed where the tax nib is sent. Y'all must create your own systems to organize and rails leads. And in that location's no ability to refine lists, visualize insights, or automatically update this stagnant list when atmospheric condition on the property alter.

Pro Insights – Visit the Public Records Online Directory, NETROnline. This complimentary site provides links to your local canton's Assessor, Treasurer / Tax Collector, and Recorder offices so you tin can search for the property and observe this number. These government-run websites will allow you to search for properties by the accessor's number, belongings accost, and names of the possessor.

Running a property owner search to find an owner's proper noun and mailing accost, the County Tax Collector site will typically provide that information. You'll also see if the belongings tax nib is electric current which can come in handy. You'll likewise get to encounter if at that place are any special assessments associated with the property. Every bit an example,  Holding Assessed Clean Free energy (Footstep) financing is a loan that owners can take out to brand free energy-efficient upgrades to their property. Unlike a typical loan, these loan amounts are fastened to the property taxes and the rates are typically far higher than standard mortgage rates and are senior to existing loans. Even if the owner that took out the loan sells the property, this loan stays on the property revenue enhancement gyre.

ii. Canton Record/Clerk

You lot can detect a holding possessor by visiting the County Recorder as well. Using NETROnline, simply identify the country and canton and the site will connect you lot to the appropriate site. But, if you lot're but needing owner proper noun and mailing address, stick with your Canton Tax Accessor. It'due south far easier to navigate and free.

Recollect of your Canton Recorder role every bit the identify to go for documents associated with property and the people associated with a specific property. Documents recorded at the Recorder'southward office associated with people include things like expiry, births, bankruptcies, and divorce. Recorded documents associated with existent manor include detect of sale, mechanics liens, bill of sale, deeds of trust, mortgages, easements, tax liens, homestead, reconveyance, and trust deeds. Another treasure trove of information for those with the patience, fourth dimension, and strategy that requires this huge library of information.

  • Pros: A belongings owner search itself is free, most documents volition cost and it volition vary greatly depending on the county.
  • Cons: If yous're operating in numerous counties, this can be a tedious and expensive process. In that location is null consistency betwixt county websites. Many counties offer gratis search and shopping cart functionality to purchase documents you're looking to obtain only y'all'll be unable to try earlier you buy. Depending on the documents you are looking for, there will as well be express information exterior of proper name, property address, and mailing address of owner. You must create your own systems to organize and runway leads. And there'due south no ability to refine lists, visualize insights, or automatically update this stagnant list when atmospheric condition on the holding alter.

Pro Insights – Researching for this article took HOURS considering we wanted to exam a few county websites for search functionality and cost. Engineering and search functionality is incredibly painful and express. Some counties will force you to purchase a full set of documents while others will allow you lot to process your request for specific pages of a document. Depending on the document blazon you're chasing, fees can vary profoundly. Some investors use public records because they specialize in very specific niches like probate and bankruptcies. These pros are chasing deals fewer players tackle because it is so time-consuming and yous're thumbing through mind-numbing legal documents.

3. Local Title Company

Y'all call back your favorite local title rep and ask for a general FARM (Focused Real Manor Marketing) list. Some of the bones fields for the search included name, address, mailing address, property characteristics, nearby neighbors, comparable sales, transaction history, and some states have community information similar demographics and school information.

Most Farm marketing lists don't run amock of Regulation X or the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA). This federal law prohibits entities subject to RESPA rules (including licensed Realtors, mortgage brokers, appraisers, and championship companies) from receiving a "thing of value" for referring business to another settlement service provider regulated under RESPA. General lists for information available in the public records domain won't cause problems. However, custom lists are another story. Rules will vary past state and provider but expect a title visitor to accuse for custom reports and marketing lists where yous're seeking information across what you'd observe at the Canton Recorder's function.

  • Pros: Some of these real estate atomic number 82 lists will exist costless of charge. For custom reporting where yous are charged, title reps are far more familiar with searching the data you need saving you a tremendous amount of fourth dimension and coin. Since they are hoping to gain your business, they won't typically charge much outside of what it costs to actually pay for the data. Having a savvy championship company may likewise help inform you lot of ways to refine your search that yous didn't fifty-fifty know well-nigh.
  • Cons: Title reps are decorated pros themselves and can't always driblet everything to piece of work on your listing. You'll likewise receive a static list that starts to age every bit soon as information technology's pulled. This means you'll need to come up dorsum oft for updated lists. It's more money, only at least the title rep is helping you salve fourth dimension past not doing it yourself. Tracking these lists, however, becomes its own effect. Similar other gratuitous and depression-toll options, you'll have to create your own systems to organize and track leads. And there's no ability to refine lists, visualize insights, or automatically update this stagnant list when weather condition on the holding modify.

Pro Insights: Ane of the things real estate professionals need to understand is that title reps go striking upwards a lot past amateurs that constantly ask them for marketing lists that never plow into title business. Don't be that person. Respect their time as title reps are an extremely important slice of your team.

More than title companies are developing custom applications for serious clients to do research on their own. This is critically important for foreclosure investors that need more updated information and access to enquiry. Every bit an example, First American has a mobile and web-based application that allows their customers nationwide to research holding characteristics, taxation information, order documents, and also see transaction history on the property. An investor would most likely demand to be a client to proceeds access. However, most will yet call their title rep before they bid verifying they are investing in a first lien position, no liens accept appeared, and no IRS liens exist. There are no 2d chances are courthouse steps. These apps are more aimed at a property-past-belongings research approach simply even so incredibly valuable.

4. Mailing List Companies and Mailing Listing Brokers

Marketing list companies and marketing list brokers accept grown in sophistication over the years. These services allow you lot to recall and speak with a list broker that seeks to empathize who you are trying to target, what data is needed, and then they go about creating your custom mailing listing. Unlike the gratuitous options mentioned above, near listing brokers at present have the ability to obtain email and append telephone data. Lists can be created based on property characteristics, neighborhood details, and demographics data on owners.

  • Pros: General mailing listing brokers will have some ability to append email and phone numbers to your lists.  This is typically a fast and like shooting fish in a barrel process.
  • Cons: Data quality is the biggest outcome with list brokers. Data sources is coming from different providers and some volition be updated more than others. These lists can go very expensive and there is cypher more frustrating than purchasing a list that is years out of date. Tracking these lists will be an issue. Often times, yous'll only have one year to apply a list before the list provider requires you to pay for the list again. Like other gratuitous and low-cost options, y'all'll take to create your ain systems to organize and track leads. There'due south still no ability to farther refine lists without cost, visualize insights, or automatically update this stagnant list when conditions on the property change.

Text Marketing

Pro Insights – This is a text message our VP of Market Insights, Aaron Norris, received in July. The text is referring to a rental he had sold more than two years previously.

Fifty-fifty more than embarrassing? The belongings had sold again three months earlier meaning the list provider had information over ii years old.

Past the time you're spending money on lists, it'due south clear you're probably needing to expand technical abilities to stay organized. Be it a customer relationship direction software, sales software, or Google sheets, tracking starts to go critical as you are being forced to manage static mailing lists and lead progress.

The goal in refining marketing lists is beingness able to follow up consistently with quality leads. Y'all salvage money on large full general marketing lists and so you can hit your target prospect multiple times. The pros know it'south all near consistency and follow up.

5. Avant-garde Property Information and Owner Information Platform

If you're a property-centric concern that relies on consequent, high-quality leads to go along your sales pipeline full, advanced property data and owner information software is a must-accept tool. It isn't only Realtors, mortgage, and existent estate investors that use this blazon of software service. Home and holding services greatly benefit from access to constantly updated records as well as advanced functionality that these platforms offer.


  • Nationwide property owner lookups
  • Ability to mix and friction match property, mortgage, possessor, demographic data and more to create hyperlocal mailing lists whenever you like
  • Explore leads and refine marketing lists based on visual cues and insights
  • More advanced capabilities include links to social media profiles, built in skip tracing, emails & phone numbers for appending
  • Mobile app with GPS functionality, ability to add notes, images, files
  • Mailing lists that auto-update themselves with new leads (set-it & forget-it prospecting)
  • Robust integration and automation functionality
  • More


  • These platforms are not free – usually subscription-based with additional charges for specific record types like documents, emails, and phone numbers.
  • Not for beginners. These platforms take time to explore and go used to the vast amount of information that's bachelor.
  • Advanced features like integrations and automation capabilities tin can be intimidating. Sometimes requires 3rd party support.

Pro Insights – Main Street existent estate and home services professionals are quickly learning having admission to Wall Street-style data and tools are a must to stay competitive. It's far more affordable than it'due south ever been and it allows the pros to focus more on what they do best.

PropertyRadar often says our platonic client is someone that has a CRM organization, and they need assist filling it with leads. PropertyRadar accomplishes that past letting you lot build unlimited mailing lists using an industry-leading 200+ filtering criteria to target your best customer profile(s). And you tin give each dynamic mailing listing superpowers to connect with property owners before your competition does - more on that in a minute.

How to observe belongings owners and contact information similar a pro with PropertyRadar

PropertyRadar gives you many options to discover exactly what yous're looking for or discover off-market backdrop you didn't even know y'all should exist interested in. Y'all can use the property possessor lookup to find the owner or if yous have the owner'southward name and want to find the various backdrop they ain, you can comport a holding owner search by their name.

To find the possessor of a property, simply enter the address of the property you're interested in into the search bar.

find the owner of a property by typing in the address

You'll find, equally shown below, that as you type the address the search bar will autofill with the address you lot're looking for.

owner of property address auto-populates

In one case you click the address in the dropdown, a split view pops upwardly showing the location of the property on a map forth with some pertinent details near the property below the map. Here you can get an immediate view of the belongings's location in the neighborhood forth with a few important details about the property such as square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the possessor-occupied condition and of course the reason you're searching to begin with, the name of the belongings owner.

select the address of the owner of the property you're looking for

Now click on the address bar below the map to get the important contact information you're seeking along with other critical insights into the property itself.

As a professional, you know that having every bit much information about the possessor and the holding you can become is vital to setting up a successful marketing entrada.

here you'll find the owner of the property, map of property owner, owner contact details and much more

Nether the Contacts tab, yous'll notice of import contact data like:

  • Possessor's full name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Phone number(s)
  • E-mail address
  • Social media contour (if available)
  • Mailing address (absentee owners address volition be different from searched accost)
  • Principal residence address
  • Other backdrop they may own

Dissimilar some services, skip tracing is automatically congenital-in for you. And you have the ability to add together and edit notes directly into the Contact profile.

If yous find the owner of the property is an LLC, click here to see how quick and like shooting fish in a barrel it is to find out who the owner of the LLC is. Then come back here to finish your inquiry.

Holding contour details

Aside from contact information, other properties endemic, and everything else described above, you'll have access to holding details that volition help you make smart, informed business concern decisions.

You will discover critical holding information similar:

Transaction & Title History

property owner's transaction details and title history


property owner details and house comparables

Power to Add Photos, Notes, Files, and Run Investment Analysis

find owner of property and add notes, photos, and files right in PropertyRadar app

Other Important Property Data and Possessor Data You'll Notice Here:

  • Outstanding loan balance and type of loan
  • Loan history
  • Estimated property value
  • Disinterestedness
  • Year built
  • Number of rooms and bathrooms
  • Square footage
  • Lot size
  • Number of units on the property
  • Presence or absence of pool
  • Presence or absence of garage
  • Belongings taxes
  • Zoning and schoolhouse district data

Watch our short video on finding & using owner info & property details...

Getting the almost out of property owner data

In addition to contact information, the property profiles offer the information you need to make an informed determination on whether you want to contact this owner, and what yous might say.

For example, if you're a real estate investor, you might utilize a different pitch to communicate with someone who owns their home free and clear versus someone who'southward underwater on information technology. You tin use this information to increment the likelihood of success with common cold calling, door knocking, and direct postal service marketing.

You might use this data to decide who to contact, and to prioritize your prospects. Maybe for an absentee owner who owns 5 other properties that aren't in your area all as a trustee, y'all might assume that they don't make the best candidate for your property direction services. But if they own two or 3 properties in your area nether their name, then they could be a landlord who's prepare to outsource property direction.

Reaching out to belongings owners

Now that you've establish the owner of the property and their contact data, what practise you do next? How can you lot amend your success with straight marketing?

  • Follow up, follow upwardly, follow up - Ane outbound message simply isn't plenty. The well-nigh successful property-centric businesses are excellent at follow up. You'll lose to competitors who only don't quit. Automating your outreach (described below) can make this easier to accomplish.
  • Runway your progress - Yous as well need to be tracking your progress with individual prospects. Inside of PropertyRadar, you can do this using custom lead statuses. Using our Zapier integration, you can send all of your PropertyRadar leads into your CRM and track them using your processes. With our Zapier integration, nosotros seamlessly connect with popular CRMs like Pipedrive, Zoho, LionDesk, and many others.
  • Employ automation - Automating your straight mail and other forms of marketing is absolutely essential. Otherwise, you're at the mercy of getting too busy to market your concern to property owners. To win, you need to build highly targeted mailing lists of prospects within of PropertyRadar.
  • Mailing Lists with Superpowers - Each dynamic monitored mailing list created in PropertyRadar can 1) automatically update itself (& your CRM, power dialer, or other productivity tool) with new leads, two) automatically trigger multi-bear upon marketing campaigns or transport a unmarried-piece mailer, iii) alert yous about these new leads via push notifications or emails. You'll be contacting the owners you lot discover before your competitors fifty-fifty know they be.
  • Have a multichannel arroyo - Your follow up shouldn't be all in one channel, meaning you shouldn't merely send postcards or but cold call. The best straight marketing campaigns reach out to target audiences across channels. With our PRINTGenie integration, y'all tin can employ their multichannel outreach templates to reach out to targeted lists of leads. For example, you can contact absentee owners whose primary residence is out of state and who accept a certain corporeality of equity in their dwelling house. You tin send them a letter, then an electronic mail, so a text message, and then another postcard. Bank check out our automation guide and webinar for more details.

Finding the owner of a belongings isn't enough. You lot need to win with consistent follow up and automatic outreach to come out ahead of your competitors.

Key takeaways on finding holding owners & their contact info

The method you use to run a property owner search to find the owner of a property volition largely depend on your purpose and goal.

  1. Going the complimentary, government website route is always a great choice if yous merely demand a proper name or 2. Just if you need more than a handful of names, this tin be a ho-hum, painstaking procedure.
  2. Reaching out to your local title company is another free or low-cost pick. But data is limited, you need to rely on the championship brokers availability, and you need to organize and track your lists.
  3. Marketing list companies and list brokers can be a fast, piece of cake fashion to get lists. But your lists data tin can exist outdated the second you buy them, frequently require additional costs for connected access to the lists, and the cost for such lists tin become very costly and in that location'southward naught worse than paying for quondam, inaccurate information.
  4. Using a property and owner information platform is definitely the pros option. With a platform like PropertyRadar, you take the ability to mix and match property, mortgage, and demographic information to create hyperlocal marketing lists whenever yous'd like is something the low-cost and gratis methods don't offer. Yous can explore leads and refine marketing lists based on visualized insights. Other advanced capabilities include social media links, skip tracing links, rich historic transaction data, emails, and phone appending, GPS functionality, belongings and people notes, dynamic lists, demographics details, and advanced automation functionality.

Professionals who need to scale their local business organisation, sympathise that direct mail has a critically important role in helping them do that. Check out this postal service that small concern owners similar yourself as well notice very helpful, How To Use Direct Mail Like The Pros To Boost Your ROI.


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