Thank You for Giving Me Oppotunites to Review for Your Journal

A year has passed since Communications Biology opened for submissions. We'd similar to take this opportunity to look back on the past year and give thanks all those who have contributed to the journal.

For the editorial staff of Communications Biological science, the twelvemonth since we opened for submissions has passed in a blur. We've received more than 850 submissions and, although many of our papers are still making their style through the peer review process, nosotros have already published well over 100 papers. Meanwhile, we are decorated working toward the goals set out in our launch editorial1: to be an inclusive, multi-disciplinary journal for all biologists and to provide the best writer service we possibly can.

We are happy to say that we are on the right track. Our published papers represent the latitude of the life sciences—from biophysics to entomology, cognitive neuroscience to microbiology, and much more. Our in-house editors and Editorial Board Members have worked difficult to encounter our goals of delivering timely decisions and maintaining communication with our authors throughout the editorial and review process. And where we have fallen brusque of our goals, we strive to practise better.

Simply we wouldn't be anywhere today without our authors, reviewers, and readers. We accept had the privilege to publish truly outstanding, high-quality papers that, judging by the response of our reviewers and readers, are important contributions to their respective fields of research. Nosotros want to accept this moment to thank all of our authors for entrusting the states with their discoveries.

Nosotros are grateful to the more than 1100 individual reviewers who have contributed to the success of our journal and the quality of the final published papers you lot read in our pages. Our reviewers, similar our authors, come up from all over the world—representing more than than 40 countries—and all career stages2. We believe that to truly have an inclusive journal, our reviewers and editors should reflect the broader biological community, and nosotros keep this guiding principle in heed in everything that we do. Our editors consider all forms of diversity when inviting potential reviewers and routinely enquire invited reviewers to consider gender rest, indigenous and geographical diversity, and career stage diversity when suggesting alternative reviewers in the event that they must pass up our invitation. Despite these efforts, we notice that only 26% of our reviewers are women; we are actively working toward increasing this proportion. Every bit part of this effort, we call on our authors to consider diversity when suggesting reviewers for their submitted papers.

"We are grateful to the more than 1100 individual reviewers who have contributed to the success of our periodical and the quality of the final published papers you read in our pages."

With Peer Review Week merely around the corner—the theme of which nosotros are happy to run across is 'Variety and Inclusion in Peer Review'—we would also like to accept this opportunity to acknowledge our reviewers more than publicly. Starting this month, nosotros will highlight a Reviewer of the Month to recognize some of our virtually outstanding reviewers. Each calendar month, one of our editors will be tapped to choose a reviewer they experience has fabricated a significant and positive contribution to the peer review process, regardless of whether the paper was somewhen accepted by the journal. We are not choosing our Reviewers of the Calendar month based on speed, as we feel that an outstanding review is worth the expect (within reason of grade). Rather, nosotros are looking for those reviewers who accept both a wide and detailed view of the paper, who demonstrate professionalism and compassion, and provide comments that truly help the authors to meliorate their work. We commence on this projection with no pocket-size corporeality of trepidation. After all, many of our reviewers are outstanding and all of them are of import to the success of our authors and the journal. Simply we hope that by publicly recognizing even a small number of our reviewers, nosotros can assistance humanize the oft impersonal process of peer review.

Finally, in honour of the upcoming Peer Review Week and outstanding reviewers everywhere, we'd like to hear your stories of peer review done right. Tell us near a time that a review helped you to improve the newspaper, or when a comment from a reviewer simply brightened your day. Use the comments below or email usa at and we may share your story in a future editorial.


  1. Introducing Communications Biology. Commun. Biol. one, 9 (2018)

  2. Spotlight on early on-career researchers. Commun. Biol. 1, 76 (2018)

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Thanks to our authors, reviewers, and readers. Commun Biol one, 127 (2018).

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